openstack version
openstack version

ThelatestreleaseofCharmedOpenStacksupportsmanycombinationsofUbuntuandOpenStack.Theupgradeofbothtotheirnextrespectivestableversionsare ...,Documentationfor2024.2(October2024).Thisisthelatestrelease.Usethetopmenutoselectapriorreleaseifneeded.Langua...

OpenStack Docs


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Supported OpenStack versions

The latest release of Charmed OpenStack supports many combinations of Ubuntu and OpenStack. The upgrade of both to their next respective stable versions are ...

OpenStack Docs

Documentation for 2024.2 (October 2024). This is the latest release. Use the top menu to select a prior release if needed. Languages. OpenStack 2024.2 Projects · 2024.2 Installation Guides · 2024.1 · End User Guides


OpenStack is a free, open standard cloud computing platform. It is mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) in both public and private clouds.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform Life Cycle

Each Red Hat OpenStack Platform version supports only one Major.Minor release version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux including all asynchronous update releases.


This repository is used to drive release automation for OpenStack release deliverables, ultimately publishing them on the ...


See for more recent information. This page contains historical information. Click on the links to read the related release notes.


OpenStack是一個自由、開源的雲端運算平台。它主要作為基礎設施即服務(IaaS)部署在公用雲和私有雲中,提供虛擬伺服器和其他資源給使用者使用。該軟體平台由相互關聯的 ...

OpenStack Releases

OpenStack is developed and released around 6-month cycles. After the initial release, additional stable point releases will be released in each release series. 2025.1 Epoxy · Nova · Cinder · Kolla

how to check openstack release name

This guide is going to walk you through how to identify your OpenStack release name, which is crucial for troubleshooting, upgrading and maintenance purposes.


ThelatestreleaseofCharmedOpenStacksupportsmanycombinationsofUbuntuandOpenStack.Theupgradeofbothtotheirnextrespectivestableversionsare ...,Documentationfor2024.2(October2024).Thisisthelatestrelease.Usethetopmenutoselectapriorreleaseifneeded.Languages.OpenStack2024.2Projects·2024.2InstallationGuides·2024.1·EndUserGuides,OpenStackisafree,openstandardcloudcomputingplatform.Itismostlydeployedasinfr...